Around October 7, the day of the Virgin of the Rosary, the Patron Festivities of Almedina take place. They are, without a doubt, the most loved by all the neighbours. Apart from the Holy Mass and Procession of our Virgin through the streets of Almedina, and the typical activities for children, youth and adults -games, dances, bullfighting events, etc.-, there is what may be one of the most peculiar traditions from Campo de Montiel. We refer to the ”
Rosario de la Aurora”, a tour in the streets of Almedina, which leaves at dawn on October 7, and ends at dawn. During it, the Rondalla of Almedina is singing “
El Rosario” as parades, and when arriving at the corners, entertains people playing typical music of the town, such as “
Jota” de Almedina. El Rosario, curiously, does not end as the saying implies, but with chocolate for all attendees in the City Hall.